As your managers and leaders grow with the organization, their education and development needs grow, too. All too often, managers are moved into organizational positions with little or no training and no experience in how to do the job. They may know what's expected of them but may not have the tools or skills to do an outstanding job. Among the questions each organization must answer are these:
- Do your employees have the skills they need to succeed and then rise to the next level in your organization?
- What tools do you give them to become effective leaders?
- How do you make sure those tools adapt to changes in your organization and in the marketplace?
- Are you developing and reinforcing the culture of a learning organization through your leaders?
Training Delivery Channels
SkillsMastery Group offers interactive training designed to help managers and leaders acquire new skills, change behavior and prepare for tomorrow. Different people have different learning styles. So our instruction is developed and delivered through channels such as facilitator-led instruction, co-facilitation with our clients, video-conferencing and Web-based delivery.
SkillsMastery Group partners with organizations to help them formulate and execute a strategy for success. We do this by helping your managers and leaders understand and commit to your company's strategy, helping them secure employee buy-in and involvement in that strategy, and helping you look toward tomorrow's challenges. Our expertise includes:
- Conducting organizational assessments and diagnostic surveys
- Building a culture of sales and service, including development and implementation of an integrated sales and/or service process
- Making that sales and service culture effective
- Conducting planning and organizational goal-setting
- Developing and integrating organizational visions and missions
- Assessing management depth and providing 360-degree feedback
The Magic Combination
Training is most effective when followed by ongoing coaching. This combination can change behavior and achieve consistency in using and mastering newly-acquired skills. Customized coaching by phone helps reinforce the training, aids participants in overcoming obstacles and ensures that the skills are being implemented, managed and coached. Working with a SkillsMastery coach gives participants a sense of accountability and provides access to a professional who will help them navigate the challenges they will encounter when they engage in new behaviors. Our experience has shown that training combined with coaching is the key to achieving results.
Discover, Do, Deliver
SMG's philosophy is founded on our own methodology of Discover, Do, Deliver.
- Discover the importance of the skill and understand how it’s used
- Do the skill and practice in a safe learning laboratory
- Deliver and implement the skill